One of your factories
is in trouble.

Profits are down, deliveries are late, morale is low and you’re unsure how to recover.

Struggling with unpredictable performance in your supply chain or industrial manufacturing organization? Tired of dealing with operational bottlenecks, late deliveries, and shrinking profit margins? If so, you’re in the right place.

Whether you’re a Divisional President, VP, or Head of Business Unit, you’re likely familiar with the challenges of maintaining customer satisfaction, managing inventory levels, retaining skilled staff, and driving business performance to meet financial goals.

Introducing our transformative book, 24-week turnaround shift®, a systematic approach designed to help companies like yours shift their low-performing operations to achieve predictable cost, cash flow, and operating revenue.

This comprehensive guide will equip you with the tools and strategies needed to :

Gain clarity on what’s preventing you from achieving your fiscal targets

Identify and eliminate operational & organizational bottlenecks

Foster a data-driven, proactive culture that can forecast future potential performance gaps

Establish a standard framework for continuously improving operational performance

Ensure predictable and reliable business outcomes in terms of cost, revenue, and cash flow

Gain clarity on what’s preventing you from achieving your fiscal targets

Identify and eliminate operational & organizational bottlenecks

Foster a data-driven, proactive culture that can forecast future potential performance gaps

Establish a standard framework for continuously improving operational performance

Ensure predictable and reliable business outcomes in terms of cost, revenue, and cash flow

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